Monday, December 15, 2008

One step forward, two steps back

So today was my first day back to work after a month of trips that have kept me from actually working at work but I have been working... just at other bases.

So I showed up today expecting to be able to play catch up... not to happen... Work went the same way as it had when I left. I got volunteered to do some extra stuff. So in between trying to get cold weather gear for the ORI flyaway to Michigan I was told I have to give another Mobile Debrief briefing to another Distinguished Visitor (from now on called DV). This one happened to be a one star General. A little backstory... at some point I became the unofficial Mobile Debiref briefer, because that program is one of the only programs that really has worked out for us... and having wifi on the flightline put us at the head of the pack. Anyway, they always choose me to give thisbriefing now, today being no exception... Except for the fact that I was supposed to be driving the General to the Base Club while I was giving it... Luckily for me the Captain who was with me gave the generalities while I supplied the specifics. As a result of driving him to the Club from the flightline, then waiting for an hour or so outside to drive him to his DV room at billeting on base (being a chauffer) I received a One Star General Coin.

I'm pretty happy with any recognition I can get because we don't get much working on the flightline.

Hopefully tomorrow I can get caught up on the things I tried to do today.


  1. oooo coined from the one star! congratulations! and welcome to blogging. don't become too addicted to your stats, THEY MEAN NOTHING. :)

  2. Im so new that dont even know where the stats are lol. Hope your trips going well.
